Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Waking up @Midnight Listening to lucky ali \m/

           Yeay Independence day. Sad that I didn't get my liberty to sleep today. Well as a new start I'll let you people know that this is my fourth ever blog managed or written. I was looking forward to publish this blog from about a month as my busy schedule of "being lazy" didn't gave me time at all. So i just started writing asap coz some things are just to be done. For this post there's no such subject involved. i ll talk about my previous blogs a bit, i started blogging coz of a girl, idk but some great person said that if you write about it you would forget it, but damn that cost me a lot since it was a blog she read it and intended to come back and screw it all over again. Idk i was in so called mental coma which i recently got recovered, if you want to check it out here's a link, the other one i started to write all the events that had happen in my whole life, one of my friend got involved into editing and so on i got conscious about stuff i have to write, and later i got bored coz people started expecting more out of it. here's a link if you wanna check it out
                   This blog is more like on a daily basis, coz there are time where i just keep on blabbering stuff to my own self and can't stop. so this way  i can let people know how insane i am or how stupid i am YOU decide. I will be talking about random stuff, news articles i laugh at, new music which i just love to repeat whole day long until my neighbors get sick of it, about DOTA a LAN game if you people know, then about the struggle through my college days, some cute people some stupid people, most of it related to a average college life things, i do give a very good guidance for improving your lifestyle or i m just flattering myself, and yea i love photography i would be posting my photographs, and soon am gonna start a Mini stock Photography Blog, hope you guys like it. 
                     To my fellow blogger,(Meha, Sabita, Nishi )  thanks a lot you are the ones who made me write again after such a long time, well it was last October i ever wrote anything. Lots of things to share i don't want to end but i ll save some for later. Meet you guys tomorrow "hopefully".

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