Thursday, August 16, 2012

How many person you know by the name "Priyanka"!!!

          *phew* today was a lousy day, One of my friend waked me up at 9am. Even though i was telling her to shut up and let me go off to sleep she continued to bug me till i was awake. I could hardly get up and brush my teeth, then suddenly a thought of having breakfast clicked in my mind as it was Independence Day i was hoping some hot jalebies. But my bad, by the time i reached the mess everything was finished and i even missed the laddos which were distributed in morning assembly *sigh*.
         Later my room was too much messy magazines, books, clothes in between and wrappers all over my floor, so as it was a special day, I thought cleaning it up. And i did a really good job!! Hope I preserve the cleanliness for a month my friends were like it would be in a same condition by two days. 
         One of my friends introduced to me a very good fast food stall nearby my college, if your in Nagpur, or visiting or you are in VNIT, you people got to check out Marisha something it was spelled in Telugu, i ate Mysore Bajji and a Masala dosa got a real feel of eating in south. Till this time everything was going fine I was about to go to bed so that complete my sleep, as I lied down my bbm pop a message from my friend Vipul that he is dropping by to my city today!!
         Met him had to take him to some good restaurant to fill up his tummy and he was blabbering about a gal he just met in train which had a really weird name "Rajul" I mean who keeps such name to a girl, I feel pity for her.
Anyways would you approach a stranger in train and try to date her or him ?.
              Later I met Zain after three years living in a same city i met him today though  he lives just three kilometers away from my college we were in school together and now its his final year gonna leave next year. We were suppose to meet one of my friend sadly he got a sprain in his leg and couldn't make it.

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