Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Buzy Week. Restfull Weekend

Hello people well this post is kinda late but 'll make it as a Total Week Recall. Last week i had Sessionals (like a unit test). Most of the time i was fooling around with my friends playing DOTA, Generally in Architecture during exams we study for one hour before our exam.
All the exams were fine except one, you know there's never a easy way to pass through. Subject i hate the most, which we say is useless in architecture "STRUCTURES".

A weird connection.
You know what i feel my ex girlfriend and this subject has some connection, i have observed that in past 3 years every time i sat for the structure exam she used to call me out of no where or message or poke me or ping me or email me.
This time it was horrible :
she: "you working?" 
me: "no what happen"
she:"nothing just asked"
me:"u want to talk?"
I was left with a TROLL face and my entire time during exam went with the thought about
   "Why bother me if you got nothing to say ?".

Being Happy
You know what makes me happy!!!! A cute girl laughing and singing!! who has best hair in this whole world (i m obsessed with beautiful hair). I am a YOUTUBE junkie (i cannot live without youtube) and I am gonna tell you how i want my dream girl to be by showing you a video of her. Every time i get sad or depressed i watch her vlogs or any video of her! ARDEN CHO.

Trust me guys if u see the video, u would understand. Well the song might be irritating. honestly i just watch it coz of Arden, and i know the name weird, Well she is a great Artist, Actor, Singer, and a vlogger here's her link ARDEN CHO

Current Favorite Song
END of exams!!!!! is the best feeling student would ever have, so did i. I took some of my friends and went out partying (you know what i mean). Later I Got my freedom of playing music to the fullest, blasting my speakers off, that brings me to my current favorite song  

 One Good Beginning 
      So finally i got time for The Zeitgeist Movement, at last we had a small meeting among three guys, Ajinkya Gohad (Nagpur TZM chapter coordinator), Srinath Iyer and me. I was very much inspired from the TZM movies to have the change in Human culture. From past two years i was trying to contribute to this movement at last we got together and sorted out lot of things.                                                 So after having a good conversation we came to a result that its not compulsory to have a official group in VNIT, we can hoist small events and gathering and start a community page on FB and document what people think in and around our college and make a Youtube channel plus manage a blog. In that we can explore more and improve our in certain ways. We decided a day for the zeitgeist meet on 8th of September. We would be interviewing people giving a small presentation on the zeitgeist movement and have open discussion. So next month's going to be a busy one. I just hope everything goes smoothly. THE ZEITGEIST MOVEMENT
Complete Laziness
Well I was working on one project which is still incomplete. Later i got soo busy with other stuff that i never got time to complete it. Let me know in the comments, if you like what i did till now and want to see it completed.

Oh k now I will end this post over here! More stuff tomorrow. hopefully

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Maybe I should , Maybe I should'nt..............QUIT PLAYING DOTA

Nowadays, Life goes on playing DOTA or Sleeping.
My Favorite Hero in the game
       Recovered from my illness, in like two days, now i feel like i m immune to cold and cough, that's because one of my friend is still sick and coughing till death, maybe i am the reason that he has cold.
Coming to the topic as i missed updating my blog for two days, come on it was a weekend. And weekends probably me and my buddies play DOTA all day long, its a LAN game which is very addictive, more than smoking, good it causes no harm like cigarettes do. (FYI i am a non smoker, am some how allergic to cigarettes).
      So to recollect on Friday i was lazy and sick, though had to go to the class, i was warned by a professor that its compulsory to attend his lecture or else i m 50% FAIL in his subject. Later we had a quite amusing quiz, my department's HOD is awesome, she teaches us two subjects. We had MCQ type test or quiz. we enjoyed it, later she said that she was just preparing us for Sessionals next week. My exams starts from Wednesday, still gotta gather notes. Saturday was resting period watching teen wolf, youtube videos, dota etc.

    Some pretty good music i heard lately was from "Studio Ghibli". (i ll warn you guys if you dont like anime stuff please don't read my blog). Ohk then studio ghibli , they make awesome animated films. The movies like "Arrietty Secret World" and "Miyazaki's Spirited Away"
they have some awesome soundtracks that you 'll love, even if you people don't understand Japanese.
I watch One Piece, Naruto Shippuuden, Bleach ('used to' since it got off i follow there manga now). There many complete series, which are totally awesome. I love the way they built the story and how they imagine. One day i will list down all my favorites.

          Today i exercised. Later a good lunch, then my cousin called up said that my Mumbai's aunt had sent some Laddos with her. So she came to drop them. So basically nothing special happen today.
Oh yes today's favorite music. Been a Dubstep FAN. That's all you guys!
See you tomorrow, Maybe.


Friday, August 17, 2012

What does a phrase "anything only" means ?

                Life is happy! "being sick" is part of it. I got terrible headache plus cold. Everyday is being a same one, sleeping late getting up early like I am having just 4 hour sleep everyday.
                   Today was a awful day slept almost all the classes. Earphones really helps you to get off this planet for awhile. I am gonna leave this post short. I am ill got really bad cough cold and headache, i guess i said that twice.

Started a series named "Teen Wolf", story is really dumb, one of my friends said second seasons is better. Well as a review, I liked the composition of all the characters as they all had some important role, yet i have to complete 1st season and hope the 2nd season cheer me up.

   What boosted me up to watch it, is the actress character name Allison.
Well she has this awesome curly hairs and got a bold character in the in short the story is like a teenage guy turns into a werewolf by the bite from an alpha werewolf, and the girl is from the family who hunts for werewolf and they fall in love.  

Now am going off to sleep hope i get better by tomorrow's class.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

How many person you know by the name "Priyanka"!!!

          *phew* today was a lousy day, One of my friend waked me up at 9am. Even though i was telling her to shut up and let me go off to sleep she continued to bug me till i was awake. I could hardly get up and brush my teeth, then suddenly a thought of having breakfast clicked in my mind as it was Independence Day i was hoping some hot jalebies. But my bad, by the time i reached the mess everything was finished and i even missed the laddos which were distributed in morning assembly *sigh*.
         Later my room was too much messy magazines, books, clothes in between and wrappers all over my floor, so as it was a special day, I thought cleaning it up. And i did a really good job!! Hope I preserve the cleanliness for a month my friends were like it would be in a same condition by two days. 
         One of my friends introduced to me a very good fast food stall nearby my college, if your in Nagpur, or visiting or you are in VNIT, you people got to check out Marisha something it was spelled in Telugu, i ate Mysore Bajji and a Masala dosa got a real feel of eating in south. Till this time everything was going fine I was about to go to bed so that complete my sleep, as I lied down my bbm pop a message from my friend Vipul that he is dropping by to my city today!!
         Met him had to take him to some good restaurant to fill up his tummy and he was blabbering about a gal he just met in train which had a really weird name "Rajul" I mean who keeps such name to a girl, I feel pity for her.
Anyways would you approach a stranger in train and try to date her or him ?.
              Later I met Zain after three years living in a same city i met him today though  he lives just three kilometers away from my college we were in school together and now its his final year gonna leave next year. We were suppose to meet one of my friend sadly he got a sprain in his leg and couldn't make it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Waking up @Midnight Listening to lucky ali \m/

           Yeay Independence day. Sad that I didn't get my liberty to sleep today. Well as a new start I'll let you people know that this is my fourth ever blog managed or written. I was looking forward to publish this blog from about a month as my busy schedule of "being lazy" didn't gave me time at all. So i just started writing asap coz some things are just to be done. For this post there's no such subject involved. i ll talk about my previous blogs a bit, i started blogging coz of a girl, idk but some great person said that if you write about it you would forget it, but damn that cost me a lot since it was a blog she read it and intended to come back and screw it all over again. Idk i was in so called mental coma which i recently got recovered, if you want to check it out here's a link, the other one i started to write all the events that had happen in my whole life, one of my friend got involved into editing and so on i got conscious about stuff i have to write, and later i got bored coz people started expecting more out of it. here's a link if you wanna check it out
                   This blog is more like on a daily basis, coz there are time where i just keep on blabbering stuff to my own self and can't stop. so this way  i can let people know how insane i am or how stupid i am YOU decide. I will be talking about random stuff, news articles i laugh at, new music which i just love to repeat whole day long until my neighbors get sick of it, about DOTA a LAN game if you people know, then about the struggle through my college days, some cute people some stupid people, most of it related to a average college life things, i do give a very good guidance for improving your lifestyle or i m just flattering myself, and yea i love photography i would be posting my photographs, and soon am gonna start a Mini stock Photography Blog, hope you guys like it. 
                     To my fellow blogger,(Meha, Sabita, Nishi )  thanks a lot you are the ones who made me write again after such a long time, well it was last October i ever wrote anything. Lots of things to share i don't want to end but i ll save some for later. Meet you guys tomorrow "hopefully".